
Walter Angioletti is the author of several ICT applications:

  • VAT : a virtual repository and a shared workspace for documents and projects, specially designed for teachers and researchers. It is a virtual briefcase for mobile scientists, teachers and journalists.
  • MEER: Media Emancipatie Effect Rapportage: a software application to conduct a gender assessment of television programs. More details you find here.
  • PAR: Program Analysis and Report, a software application to conduct a content analysis of television programs, adaptable to the demands of a specific research.
  • ACW: authoring courseware
    E-learning is a complex process for the teacher. If you want to write a course for an ODL-course you need courseware that support the writing process.
    Writing a course for web learning is more than putting the teaching material on the Net. 
    With ACW the teacher can write his of her own scenario of every course and every lesson and the course can be adapted to specific students profiles.

For more information:




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